Just came across this article about using a strategic tool to look into your ministry and events. It's a great read and you can use it for a leader meeting.
Check it out here http://bit.ly/YzkiOt Are you avoiding the danger zone? Here’s a strategic tool I’ve been playing with to help churches assess their ministries, events, services, etc. You can process this across all ministries in your church. Or, this would certainly work as a good team exercise within a specific ministry. The tool requires you to answer two foundational questions: (1) What’s the impact of this ministry (event or service) with existing “customers?” (2) What’s the reach of this ministry with potential “customers?” You have to answer both questions. That’s the key. It forces you to think about the people already connected to your church and the people you are trying to reach for Jesus. As you can see, the most dangerous spot to be is in the place where something is having a big impact with current customers but low impact with new customers. That’s a comfortable spot. It feels like things are going well. But, if you aren’t reaching new people, your church or ministry is already taking steps toward unhealthiness and decline. Be honest. Where do your ministries fit on this chart? And, maybe most important, where does your church fit on this chart? The post Are you avoiding the danger zone? appeared first on TonyMorganLive.com.
Do You Need A Lesson This Week? How About A Game For Tonight Or Do You Need An Event For Ministry Night? We know the challenges of youth ministry and the need to be creative all the time. That’s why we created Youth Ministry Toolbox because we wanted to help you spend more time with what mattes most! This week we have added 3 NEW RESOURCES! (THAT’S RIGHT 3 NEW RESOURCES) Over the past month we have added 16 NEW Youth Ministry Resources to the Toolbox!! Other sites would have charged you $5 per resource! That is $80 BUCKS and you get all 16 new resources and over 4 years of other great resources for only $9.95 a month or $119.40 a year! (AND YOU CAN CANCEL ANY TIME but less then 4% do because of the Great resources added weekly) New Weekly Resources 1) Week 2 Of Playbook Get Into Position (find a place to serve) This sermon series includes: A GREAT LOOKING PowerPoint (WOW) Teaching Outline Student Fill In The Blanks 2) Upfront Game Air guitar Contest This upfront game includes: Graphic Slide PDF sheet with the instructions for the game (also inside of the toolbox we have 13 upfront games) 3) Download Event Slam Dunk Contest This Event includes: Graphic Slide PDF sheet with instructions for the event 11x17 Poster to promote your event! (also inside the toolbox we have 8 ready made events for you to use) If you a member you can download these resources here!!
If your not a member become one today and join hundreds of other student pastors like you! Click Here To Find Out More!! Every Kid Matters, Jamie Starrett and Buck Baskin WEEK 2 OF PLAYBOOK Here is an example of the outline. Get Into Postion 1. First things First Am I All In? Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship. Romans 12:1 2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2 3. Find a ________________ This series includes PowerPoint, Student Outline With Fill In the Blanks, Teaching Outline. Download it here or get week 1 for free here Wednesday 20th , 2013 We call our Wednesday night program UNITED United is for 6th – 12th grade Our program for the night: 5pm Sound and band start practicing 5:45 Leaders arrive 6:00 Doors open for hang out 6:30 Student Prayer 7:00 Doors open to the UNITED room This past week we had a lot of programming in the service: We sold shirts with the Logo “Take Back Your City” on it So we called the night Take Back Your City. Message: Take Back Your City Joshua 6:1-27 Krunk Crew: 2 Songs that ended with a Game Game: Impossible Shot we gave $100 to a person that could make it we choose the students by placing candy underneath their chairs. If they had candy they got to play. Human Video: We used the song Don’t You Worry Child - Conor maynard (Cover) Great Night We need to work on a greeting team for our ministry!! We also had 10 students accept Christ (that never gets old) we give the gospel message each week! check out www.dare2share.org for some help with giving the Gospel weekly! What is your student ministry's most valuable asset? Is it your unique style of ministry? Is it your building, or your physical resources such as computers, copiers, multi-media equipment, and materials? Is it your location?
Your most valuable asset is none of the above. Your people are your most valuable asset. How do your strategic objectives get carried out? What determines their success or failure? How does your ministry grow? What determines the quality of your ministry? How does your student ministry market itself to the community? How are good relationships built with the new attenders to your program? By people. Have you ever examined how much of your day is spent dealing with people? More specifically, with your leaders? Have you ever considered how much of your church’s cost of doing ministry is tied up in payroll and other leader-related expenses? The leaders who serve with you take up a significant portion of your personal time. And they are worth the investments of time and money! Your leaders are an investment in your future. The key to “turning on” your ministry systems and processes and to making them really work for you is in how well you are able to lead, motivate, and inspire your leaders. You can’t buy leader loyalty, you have to lead well to earn it. The future effectiveness and growth of your ministry depends on your ability to lead your leaders to want to contribute to the effectiveness of your student ministry Throughout history spiritual, business, and military leaders alike have acknowledged the importance of the ability to inspire commitment. Spend sometime today working on developing your leaders Just came across this blog post....
What do you do during the week? Do you move ministry forward? Move Ministry Forward Since taking on my role as Executive Director at Rock City Church, a question which is often asked is “what do you do?”. The other day I was researching Church Management Software providers and stumbled across a video of a keynote from a friend I highly respect, Jenni Catron. Jenni is the Executive Director at Cross Point Church in Nashville, TN. When I look to other churches for “How they do things”, I often start with Cross Point. When I look for leaders for examples, I often start with Jenni. I have mad respect for both. So as I was watching her keynote, I heard Jenni say that she is often asked what her role is at Cross Point. She said that “if it happens at Cross Point, I’ve probably had a hand it at some point.” That is a pretty fair statement for my role too. She also said “unless it’s the kids ministry and you don’t want me working in there.” Again, a fair statement for me too. But then she said something that caused me to hit “pause” on the video to write it down. My role is to move ministry forward… There it was. Three short words that have become my calling card each morning when I wake up thinking about Rock City. I’m here to “Move Ministry Forward.” So what does that look like? What does that even mean? I think it takes on different aspects and roles with each project or obstacle, but overall, I like to think of it as follows: I try to look at each of our processes, our vision and our goals as a church and remove all complexity, unnecessary steps, costs and provide each member of our team with tools to make them efficient and ease their workload. Ministry can be hard because the amount of people doing the heavy lifting can be minimal. You’re operating on limited budgets so you have to make the most of every minute of your teams time. We’re just scratching the surface of assessing each process and tool but there is a tension because we’re growing at a pace that doesn’t appear to be slowing down for systems and flow to catch up. For that, I give God all of the glory. It makes my role at this time, with this church, more important every day. I’m honored to be in this seat and thankful for the opportunity. Filed under: Being Me, Executive Director http://aaronconrad.com/2013/02/01/move-ministry-forward/ |
Youth Ministry Resources
Our thoughts and ideas on all things youth ministry resources. Archives
March 2016